Specializing in rare, cold hardy, and perennial food crops since 2020
Small Island Seed Co.
Sugar Drop Orange Pepper Seeds - Capsicum Baccatum - Very Sweet & Fruity
Sunberry Seeds - Solanum Retroflexum - Sweet & Delicious Berries
Sungold Tomato Seeds - Solanum lycopersicum - Super Sweet & Prolific
Sylvetta Arugula Seeds - Diplotaxis Tenuifolia - Perennial & Prolific
Birds Eye Thai Chili Pepper Seeds - Capsicum Annuum - Tasty & Prolific
The Ghost of Cayenne Pepper Seeds - Capsicum Chinense/Annuum - Sweet & Hot
Turkish Rocket Seeds - Bunias Orientalis - Prolific, Delicious, and Perennial
Tzimbalo - Solanum Caripense - Sweet, Juicy & Abundant
Welsh Onion Seeds - Allium Fistulosum - Delicious & Perennial
White Scabiosa - Scabiosa Columbaria Seeds - Fragrant, Beautiful, and Prolific
Wild Baccatum Seeds - Capsicum Baccatum - Delicious, Beautiful, and Wild
Wild Fennel Seeds - Foeniculum Vulgare - Delicious & Aromatic Herb / Spice